Welcome to ZK Hub
DevCon Edition
ZK Hub is the premier gathering for Zero-Knowledge projects, where innovators come together to educate, share progress, network, and immerse in the ZK community vibes.
Over two days, ZK Hub will feature an educational program with industry-leading speakers, cutting-edge technical workshops, and exceptional networking opportunities during lively happy hours.
Alex Pruden
Executive Director at Aleo Foundation
Pavel Sinelnikov
DevRel Lead at ZKM
Dylan Kawalec
DevRel Lead at GOAT Network
Daniel Lumi
ZK Independent Researcher
Ming Guo
Chief Scientist at ZKM
Viv Ford
VP of Community at Aleo Network Foundation
Jordi Baylina
Polygon Co-founder
Leo Fan
Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Rutgers University
Alice Liu
Educational Lead at ZKM
Emily Lin
Developer Advocate at Linea
Brandon Kase
CEO at o1Labs
Austin Baggio
Head of Program Strategy at o1Labs
Coby Durling
Engineering Team Lead on the o1Labs Exploration Team
Danny Willems
Cryptography Engineer at o1Labs
Florian Kluge
Software Engineer at o1Labs
Porter Adams
Contributor at Matter Labs
Sasha Aldrick
Senior DevRel at RISC Zero